Food & Drink

I'm Chris - or Christopher - or Mr. Dean - or Master Christopher - or just plain Sir. I'm a self-professed foodie. I love to cook and I take great pleasure in all things edible. My husband and I are relatively new to Portland, Oregon and are enjoying our culinary explorations of the area!

Food is NOT just fuel!

Friday, November 18, 2011's nearly here!

I've been overwhelmed with the new job. I know, it's no excuse. But I'm worried - typically by this time I've settled on a menu for Thanksgiving, tested some of the new recipes, and generated an excel spreadsheet of the day in order to make sure everything comes out all at once. NONE of that has happened so far this year and I only have one week to go!

So here are some initial thoughts:
Duck...maybe a goose?
sweet potatoes with marshmallow topping (old school - for keith)
some sort of leek soup...or maybe pumpkin?

What is everyone else having for Thanksgiving? Traditional? Non-traditional? HELP! :)

1 comment:

  1. If it pleases You Master Christopher, boy has a favorite website for recipes that he often uses, boy loves the advanced search options. boy hopes You can get everything figured out, boy is sure it will be wonderful. Happy Thanksgiving Sir Christopher & pup keith
